The Augmented Enterprise: Powering the Next Generation of Manufacturing with AI

By admin| 2 Min Read | March 29, 2024

Join us for an impactful webinar that dives into the transformative power of AI in the manufacturing sector. This session is designed for professionals eager to leverage AI tools effectively and develop an actionable AI implementation plan and will feature a live demo of an AI agent, providing a real-world example of AI’s potential. We’ll explore how forward-thinking organizations are using AI to evolve into augmented enterprises, revolutionizing their processes, driving efficiency, and paving the way for industrial innovation. Attendees can expect to learn practical strategies for harnessing AI to leverage their corporate information, gaining a competitive edge in their industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to effectively implement AI in your organization.

About the Speaker: Mike Hruska, Founder & CEO, Problem Solutions Mike Hruska, a seasoned technologist and AI specialist, is the driving force behind Problem Solutions, an advanced technology agency with a rich 20-year history of innovation. With a background in design thinking and a former researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Mike has been instrumental in delivering actionable technology products through efficient design and implementation of innovative solutions.

Under his leadership, Problem Solutions transitioned into an Augmented Enterprise in 2023, integrating AI into key processes across all business units. His expertise spans AI Strategy, Immersive Technology, Software Development, and Organizational Transformation. Mike’s vision of an Augmented Enterprise leverages collective intelligence, fostering a cooperative work environment to share knowledge and improve organizational functions. His commitment to this concept has led to the creation of tools that automate and extend the organization’s intelligence, supporting millions of daily users.